” Iine! Okuaizu” is a travel guide application in Okuaizu area, Fukushima. You will be able to get travel information of Okuaizu area in Fukushima anytime, anywhere, easily as this “Iine! Okuaizu” app has detailed information of tourist spots, navigation to the spot, event information, and various useful information.
◆Main functions
・Popular Gourmet spots
・Sightseeing spots
・Activity spots
・Hot springs
・Traditional event
・Event information
・Save as bookmark
・Useful map
・Traffic information
・Search by category and region
・Navigation to the destination with Map app
・Minna No Okuaizu Syashinkan (Photo post site of Okuaizu)
・YouTube Channel of Okuaizu
【Enjoy your travel with “Iine!Okuaizu”】
◆Important Notice
Although this app will work offline, you may need Wi-Fi or 3G/4G environments to use navigation and external link functions.
All of the contents are the information as of March 24, 2016
There is a possibility that the information of contents may be changed.
Content in this app including text, images and photographs that are indicated as belonging to the copyright of Fukushima Prefecture Aizu Development Bureau, and which are not indicated as being prohibited for duplication, may be duplicated only in hard copy, if it is for use within your organization for non-commercial purposes or private use.
We provides no guarantees concerning the contents contained within this app, nor do we bear any responsibility for errors in the contents of this app. We reserve the right to change the contents of this app at any time and without prior notification.